Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I'm finally starting to fight off this illness that struck me last week, but I still don't have time to go on any interesting photography adventures. First of all, it is pushing -30 degrees outside. I don't know about you, but that is not really my kind of photography adventuring weather! We're coming to the end of the semester and exams are starting next Tuesday. All assignments are due this week along with all the final unit tests. I have 2 jobs and of course my boss picks this week to pile extra shifts on my shoulders. There's no more time left for me! Life sucks when you're eighteen.
So since I can't find any time to get out on the town, I decided to stay in the comfort of my own home and snap some photos. Good thing I live in a zoo! My family currently owns 5 animals of quite the variety:
a nine month old golden lab pup - Sierra
a 5 year old devilish kitty - Daizee Mae (the name is very deceiving)

a jumbo-sized guinea pig - Wendel
2 of the cutest rats around - Spot and Delilah
So I had some fun snapping some silly photos of my personable pets. Enjoy :)

This picture is hilarious.
If you have met my dog you'll understand.
She's wired every second of the day, this is her with her new toy on Christmas morning.

Here is Wendel in his Christmas present.
It's a tiki hut, but it's also edible! haha
He loves it as you can see!
Just look at his little face

Best Christmas present ever!
Here Daizee is guarding the presents from the dog

Sierra hasn't learned how to sit properly yet, she isn't very lady like since she can't keep her legs together!
Here she is posing with her Christmas wear on, what a cutie :)

Here is my little girlie; Delilah.
She is the most lady like rat you'll ever meet.
She really is a cutie!
She has helped me convince many of my friends that rats make good pets :)

Here is Daizee sitting in the pup's basket of toys, haha.
Not a good idea!
The pup bothers her enough as it is!

I hope your not allergic to cats!

- NikoNatioN
Remember you can click on all the photos to make them bigger!

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